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Tips For A Healthy Workplace Culture

Engaged employees are the lifeblood of a company. According to Gallup, 66% of the American workforce is made up of employees who are either actively disengaged or not engaged at work. Disengaged workers can cost the US between $450 billion to $550 billion in lost productivity!

Here are some tips on building a resilient culture that can withstand the challenges a growing business may face:

Culture is Driven by Symbols and Stories. Employees operating within a company with a well-defined culture have a mission, vision and values that form the framework for how they operate when no one is watching. Defining a proper company culture can contribute to making work meaningful for employees. By having a lack of a cohesive culture, it can lead employees reducing productivity and satisfaction.

Lead vs Manage. Leadership plays an active role in developing and guiding a company’s culture. Leaders must all share the philosophy that they are to empower their team members at each level. The culture of empowerment is a key factor of employees making good decisions on a daily basis, which helps them feel like their work has made an impact.

Be a Servant Leader. The servant leader is humble, puts the needs of others first, and helps people reach their potential. Managers should make sure that their teams have the resources and leadership they need to affect their on-the-ground strategies with minimal supervision.

Hire for Attitude and Cultural Fit. Applicants need to share the same values as the company. Hiring managers and HR teams are responsible for protecting company cultures. It takes less time to find a good fit for your company than it does to repair the culture if you don’t.

Create a Roadmap and Communicate it Companywide. Help your employees achieve a goal that aligns with your company and its culture. First you must make sure that the goals and wins are well-defined and communicated broadly throughout the company. Consistent messaging is important. Planning and communication will help make your company’s culture a strategic imperative.

Celebrate Success. Celebrate success together as a team. Recognition and commendation is always important for keeping everyone engaged and excited about the workplace. Celebrating successes along the way and rewarding everyone’s hard work can help build morale and reduce fatigue. Celebrations are meant to help bond a team together and reinforce a collaborative company culture.

Acknowledge Failure. Failure is part of growth and innovation. We can only learn how to grow if we make mistakes and fail. This allows us to understand what we need to improve. Recognizing failures helps employees to engage, take risks, and get excited about the mission.