Tips for Better Focus

With life and work pulling us in all directions throughout the day, it’s not surprising to find multitasking difficult.  Instead of trying to do several things at once, maintain focus on the task at hand.  Many people find it hard to focus, but it is a skill that can be developed. To improve your focus:

Reduce distractions. Turn off the TV, put down your phone, log out of your email account or move to a quiet room.

Prioritize your day. Tackle projects that require your full concentration one task at a time. Save routine tasks, such as going through emails or organizing, once you have down time. 

Put it out of your mind. To avoid taxing your brain, write down items or capture them digitally. Too many mental notes make for a cluttered mind.  

Train your brain. Practice makes something seem routine, and when something is routine, it’s no longer stressful. Learning to focus is no different. 

Take a break. Turn off your mind, relax and de-stress. To function at peak levels on a consistent basis, regular breaks are essential.    

By sharpening your focus, you can dramatically reduce your stress and increase your productivity.

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