Health Benefits Of Ginger

Health Benefits Of Ginger

If you aren't already incorporating this power-packed spice in your drinks or meals, here's why you should:

  • Aids in digestion. Ginger helps eliminate excessive gas from the digestive system, which calms the stomach and intestinal tract. Which makes ginger an ideal, all-natural solution for those with motion sickness, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • Reduces pain. With a host of anti-inflammatory properties, a serving of ginger every day can ease muscle soreness after a workout or other strenuous task by up to 25%. Studies have shown to help with pain from arthritis or menstrual cycle, too.
  • Combats nausea. While ginger tea helps, try a high-protein meal that incorporates the ginger spice.
  • Lowers the risk of cancer. Regular ginger intake can lower your risk of colon cancer through decreasing inflammation and even slow the growth rate of prostate cancer cells, thanks to certain antioxidants found in the root.
  • Helps treat skin damage. Fresh ginger juice can be applied to the skin topically to treat burns and even prevent mosquito bites!

Interested in incorporating ginger into your diet? Consider starting your morning with a tangy cup of ginger tea. Peel a portion of ginger root and cut a few slices to add to a saucepan of water. Bring the water to a boil then simmer for 10 to 20 minutes. Add a few more slices of ginger root to your desired flavor. When you're ready to drink, feel free to sweeten the tea with a splash of honey and a squeeze of lemon.

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