4 Small Ways To Regularly Practice Self-Care At Work

4 Small Ways To Regularly Practice Self-Care At Work

Set an email (or technology) curfew.
Create a rule that you won't check your email after X pm each night. It won't be easy at first, but having that email curfew could help you sleep better and give you a point of distinction between your working day, commute, and your personal time. You know that at X time each night, your work life ends and your personal time begins. To take this to a whole new level, try making it a nightly technology curfew.

Limit work talk to weekdays.
How much time do you spend thinking and talking and worrying about your day job? News flash - you're not getting paid for that mental overtime. So, try to refrain from talking about your job on the weekends. If your mind goes there, fine, but don't bring it up in conversations. Banning work talk allows you to take back some control form your work life and leaves you motivated and refreshed come Monday morning.

Work on your identity outside of work.
To have a healthy approach to your work, you need to work on your identity outside of work. Start paying attention to what you pay attention to - outside of work. Think back to hobbies and interests from when you were growing up and work back from there. You'll soon realize that there's a whole world out there - a world away from the constraints of your desk.

Be less harsh on yourself.
If you're still stressing about that comment you said to your coworker or that slipup you made in your last presentation, you need to let it go. Why? Because nobody is watching anywhere near as closely as you think. And honestly, that's probably because they're busy worrying about themselves. So, stop being so hard on yourself. Start talking to yourself as a coach, not a commentator.

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