Wellbeing Place

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Take Control of Your To-Do List

When you've got too much on your plate, try one of these options:

Hire help.
When you take the plunge and hire someone to take a portion of what you have on your plate (whether that's at home or at work), it gives you the chance to focus on what you're good at while letting them do what they're good at.

Schedule your time.
Just like you schedule time off to go to the doctor or meet a client, you should be scheduling your work time too. That way you have a dedicated slot of time to focus fully on specific work tasks and what is currently high priority.

Delegate tasks.
Delegation can be really hard. There's a little bit of protectiveness around what you do because you want it to be done to your standards. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Learning to let go of perfectionism is key here.

Don't get down on yourself for not being able to do everything. Decide what you're going to focus on and do that with your whole self, then move on to the next priority.