Wellbeing Place

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All-Natural Ways To Curb Your Anxiety

18.1% of adults in the U.S. are affected by some kind of anxiety disorder - that's roughly 40 Million adults between the ages of 18-54 who can most likely relate to what you're going through in some way.

Drink some chamomile tea.
Studies show that the herb chamomile can be effective when dealing with relaxation, anxiety, depression and insomnia. While it's not as strong as a doctor-prescribed drug, it's an effective way to manage anxiety without pharmacological treatment.

Work it out.
Physical activity can do wonders for your body, and it's a great way to calm your mind. If you haven't tried yoga yet, maybe you should. Yoga is a great way to enter a private space to help you move through whatever you're currently experiencing.

Change the way you talk.
Simply saying the word "stress" out loud can make you feel more stressed. Try eliminating that word from your vocabulary and you might notice your body releasing that build up of tension.