Building Mental And Emotional Health

Building Mental And Emotional Health

Mental and emotional health affects the way you feel about yourself, the quality of your relationships, and your ability to manage feelings, handle stress, and deal with challenges, disappointments, and losses.

Anyone can suffer from mental or emotional health problems. But despite how common mental health problems are, many of us make little to no effort to improve our situation. So why are we so reluctant or unable to address our mental health needs?

  • Some people mistakenly see mental health problems as something we should know how to "snap out of".
  • In some societies, mental and emotional issues are seen as less legitimate than physical issues. They're seen as a sign of weakness or somehow as being our own fault.
  • Just as it requires effort to maintain physical health, so it is with mental and emotional health. We have to work harder these days to ensure good mental health simply because we do so many things that can take a toll on our emotional wellbeing.

What you can do to improve your mental and emotional health:

  • Connect face-to-face with supportive people. Face-to-face social interaction with someone who cares about you is one of the most effective ways to calm your nervous system and relieve stress.
  • Get moving in fun ways - as much and as often as you are able. Physical activity releases endorphins, powerful chemicals that lift your mood and provide added energy.
  • Explore a variety of techniques for managing stress. Yoga, mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation can put the brakes on stress and bring your mind and body back to a state of balance.
  • Choose a diet rich in omega-3 fats to support mental health. A wholesome diet, low in sugar and rich in healthy fats, can give you more energy, improve your sleep and mood, and help you to look and feel your best.
  • Get enough quality sleep - 7 to 9 hours a night. Skipping even a few hours here and there can take a toll on your mood, energy, mental sharpness, and ability to handle stress.
  • Invest in activities that give your life meaning and purpose. Finding meaning and purpose can strengthen your immune system, alleviate pain, relieve stress, and keep you motivated.
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