Wellbeing Place

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Romance and Mental Illness

Pursuing meaningful and fulfilling romantic relationships with others can be complicated. Add mental health into the mix, and you might find this process more challenging. Whether you, your significant other or both cope with mental illness, this doesn’t have to lead to dating obstacles. No matter the stage of the relationship you’re at, communicating and learning about mental health can lead to a strong, long-lasting connection.

  • Openly discuss mental health with one another. Communication is key to any relationship, so being upfront about mental illness by talking through emotions, symptoms, treatment and more can help both parties understand one another. You don’t have to share everything right away, but being honest and having an ongoing conversation will help you weather challenges together.

  • Empathize. Everyone’s experience with mental illness is different. Even if you or your partner haven’t faced the same challenges, try to find a way to relate and validate their feelings.

  • Be patient. Dating someone with a mental illness comes with highs and lows, and there is no timetable for strengthening your wellbeing. Sometimes, love means persevering through hard times, but doing so will help you and your loved one grow stronger together.

  • Research and learn. One of the best ways to overcome mental health stigma and for you and your partner to support one another is by educating yourselves. Research the specific topic, learn to recognize symptoms and find the best ways to support the person who has been diagnosed.

  • Seek support. It’s important to remember that, like physical illness, mental illness can also be treated. You don’t have to cope alone, and reaching out to a mental health provider or your employee assistance program can help you and your loved one find the guidance and support you need for your relationship to blossom.