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Things To Do at Work Today – Move, Stretch, Rest

Many people spend most of their waking hours at work.  This time is filled with responsibility, creativity, deadlines, relationships, stressors, and accomplishments to name a few. All of these tasks are both mentally and physically demanding. Depending on our job, our work can range from a mostly sedentary desk job to a very active physically demanding job. While work is a significant part of our day, it is only one portion of our body’s “workday.” Our body works 24/7. Yes, even when you are sleeping your body is carrying out vital tasks.  Because our body works all day, it needs care all day, and work is an appropriate and necessary place to care for it. 

There are 3 things to include in your workday that will not only care for your body, but also have a positive impact on your physical and mental self– Move, Stretch, Rest.   It doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep it simple!


 – Add in some form of movement out of your chair every 30-60 minutes (e.g, a set of 10 squats, walk the stairs, high knee marches, side to side stepping, really anything!)

-Move more on your longer breaks.  It’s important to take those breaks!


-Integrate it into what you are doing. Taking a call – stand up and stretch the quads. Need to think through an email or response? Reach your hands back behind your chair opening up your chest. While making a copy of a document, stretch your calves while you are waiting.

-Go through the whole body once in day.  When you get that down, try for twice!


-Physically our body needs intermittent breaks (or rest) from repetitive motions. Depending on your job, this could be moving, stretching or resting in one place.

-Mentally our brain appreciates those movement breaks because it can take a breather from focusing on one task. Taking a “brain break” and moving increases productivity, creativity, and efficiency.  

There are many ways to add these three things into your workday.  Try some out and see how it makes you feel! Your body will say “thank you.”