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National Coloring Book Day

In case you missed it, August 2nd was National Coloring Book Day! Coloring books have been popular among children for decades as they promote creativity, fine motor skills and concentration. However, did you know that in recent years, adults have taken a liking to them as well? Adult coloring books have become a source of relaxation for many as they help de-stress, calm and refocus the brain – which can be helpful during stressful times, such as the current coronavirus pandemic.

As the popularity of adult coloring books has grown, you can find them almost anywhere and see people utilizing them every day as well! So, in honor of National Coloring Book Day, here are some of the benefits that coloring books have to offer:

  • Helps focus. Zoning in on the act of coloring can assist in training your brain to focus on one task at a time. It can also help give your mind a break from other tasks and relax.

  • Boosts creativity. Coloring is a source of creativity for children as it stimulates their brain. It also has the same effect for adults as well!

  • Relieves stress and anxiety. Studies have shown a reduction in stress or anxiety in people after coloring geometric patterns as coloring promotes a relaxed state.

  • Generates mindfulness. Turning off your brain when practicing mediation can be difficult. Coloring can be a useful hands-on tool to distract your mind and create active concentration on the task at hand.

  • Source of peace. Coloring books are a way to relax and get away from all the craziness life may throw at you. Whether you need to destress or want to unwind before bed, coloring books can help.

It may seem silly as an adult to use a coloring book, but the benefits are real. Coloring books have been proven to be therapeutic because of their ability to generate mindfulness, wellness and a sense of peace. Who wouldn’t want to have a blast to the past and enjoy some coloring book fun while relaxing your mind?

Try it today with these free printable coloring pages!