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Tips To Drink More Water

Here are some easy strategies to drink more water:

Start and end each day with water. Drink a few cups in the morning and a few more when you get home from work or school. Even if you don't drink enough during the day, this will help you reach your hydration goals.

For every cup of coffee, drink one glass of water. It's likely that you feel a little parched after drinking a cup of coffee or two, anyway.

Add lots of ice to your drinks and smoothies. This is a really easy way to sneak in some hydration. Adding just four ice cubes into your glass adds roughly a half of a cup of water to your drink!

Eat spicy foods. Adding some extra spices or peppers to meals will likely lead to you drinking more water to cool down between bites.

Drink from a straw. Drinking water from a straw makes it more accessible, but you're also more likely to swallow more at a time compared to drinking from a bottle.

Incorporate it into your health goals. If drinking water simply to stay hydrated isn't enough of an incentive for you, try attaching the habit to other goals that are more important to you. For example, drinking water before a meal may aid in digestion, while drinking water an hour after your meal may help the body absorb more nutrients.