Wellbeing Place

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Show More Compassion

Like many of us, you may get caught up with the busyness of the day-to-day grind, often at the expense of your closest relationships. By learning to be more compassionate to others, you not only help the other person, but you will feel a sense of positivity and contentment.  Here are 4 ways to be a more compassionate person:

Have compassion for yourself. When you have compassion for yourself, you are open to be compassionate to others.

Reach out with genuine concern. When you ask someone how he or she is doing, turn your full attention to the person and open your heart for their well-being.

Pay attention & listen. Just listen as generously as you can, try to understand and appreciate what it’s like for them; you don’t have to fix anything or offer a solution. Avoid the temptation to talk about yourself or the times you’ve felt the same way; it’s neither necessary or helpful.

Speak from the heart. You’ll know when the moment has come to respond. Sometimes, you only need to say, "I’m sorry" or "I understand".