Wellbeing Place

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Boost Your Memory Naturally

Memories teach us lessons, give us perspective, and make sense of our lives. They are all we have for times past, so it's natural that we'd want to preserve them. We can make lifestyle changes to support our memory and prevent memory loss.

Reduce inflammation. Reducing inflammation leads to less metabolic effort and more energy conserved for the health of our brain cells. Minimize or eliminate sugar, processed foods, and dairy. Include anti-inflammatory foods such as turmeric, cinnamon, and cilantro.
Sleep soundly. Poor sleep can contribute to cognitive difficulties, depression, lack of attention and focus, and other chronic health conditions. Getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night is extremely important to prevent memory loss.
Try aerobic exercise. The brain loves oxygen, and the only way to get it is through the blood that supplies it. So get that blood pumping to ensure a consistent blood flow.
Establish a meditation practice. Research has shown that regular meditation increases the volume and improves the function of our hippocampus - the region of the brain most important for memory.
Have fun! Feeling joy, happiness, and contentment is so important for our overall brain health. So laugh, socialize, and surround yourself with people that make you feel good.