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Planning A Summer Vacation?

Ahh, summer vacation. That time when all those months of exercise and healthy eating to get into a swimsuit finally pay off. While you obviously want to enjoy yourself and eat what you want, here are some tips that allow you to do that without blowing your health goals:

Go on, take that vacation!
If you're still debating whether or not to take that summer trip - do it. Research shows that spending time with your friends, having a good laugh and sharing quality bonding time is just as effective as exercise for reducing stress. So hanging out with your friends is a win for your social life, happiness, and waistline.

Be prepared.
Giving your body and mind a break from everyday life is great, but totally ignoring your health will only add stress when you return home. Try to make at least one meal or snack each day a healthy one by packing a baggie of unsweetened rolled oats or adding some plant-based protein into your morning smoothie. Even if you just pack a healthy snack for the plane or car ride to your destination, your body will thank you.

Get moving.
Hitting the hotel gym when you could be on the beach is not an easy decision to make. But fret not! Sightseeing, water sports, exploring and even shopping burns calories. And don't be too nervous to get on that dance floor! An hour of dancing burns nearly 450 calories.

Skip the buffet.
The cornucopia of food displays can make your eyes bigger than your stomach and cause you to overeat. Even if you think you're disciplined and fill a small plate with healthy options, it's hard to resist the urge to go up for seconds.

Don't forget to relax.
Isn't that the point of vacation, anyway? De-stressing is essential in regulating cortisol levels, which can wreak havoc on belly fat. Catching up on sleep also helps regulate your hunger hormones.