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How To Increase Mental Toughness

Is mental strength something we are just born with or can it be developed? Fortunately, there are ways to enhance your mental toughness.

Stay on target.
A major component of mental strength is the ability to focus on long-term goals. Surviving the inevitable setbacks and disappointments of life requires focusing on larger goals and plans.

Look at adversity as an opportunity.
You really only learn and grow through overcoming difficulties. Embracing a challenge can alter your whole outlook on life.

Only focus on what you can control.
Many of us worry and obsess over things we can't really control (like how that project will be received once it is submitted). Focus on whatever task is at hand and let the rest take care of itself.

Develop resiliency.
We all experience setbacks and failures. Rather than trying to avoid errors, develop the mental strength required to bounce back quickly from a mistake.

Don't worry about what other people think.
We should able to accept constructive criticism, but there's a limit on how much attention should be paid to the opinions of others. Other people are responsible for their opinions, not you.

Strive to be emotionally even-keeled.
Being out of control emotionally makes it impossible to move forward in a rational, constructive way. Try keeping those disruptive feelings in check.