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The Symptom Of Depression We Don't Often Talk About

You know people with depression can feel sad and empty, have changes in appetite or sleeping habits, be fatigued, and have decreased feelings of pleasure in things that would normally bring them joy. But the one symptom of depression you probably don’t know about, and one of the hardest ones to deal with, is loneliness.

Even the most introverted people need to be social with small groups or one-on-one. But those with depression often can't keep plans, leave the house, and sometimes even struggle to shower or get dressed. It doesn't mean they don't want company - they probably want it more than ever. But they don't want to seem like a bother to people and know they likely won't be much fun to be around in these times of solitude and isolation.

It's unfortunate that the symptoms of depression can drive friends away, whether it's because of the stigma associated with depression, or because they don't understand, or they're scared and don't know how to help. Well, here's how you can help. Simply spend time with them, doing whatever they feel up to doing. Even if it's an evening on the couch watching Netflix or bringing over dinner. There is reassurance in your presence.

Depression is a disease of loneliness. Having a connection to friends and family can make all the difference to those struggling with depression.